Rona Campbell’s place in Concrete Photography

“the quality of their beauty, goodness and truth lie proven in the photographs themselves and should be directly recognizable in their works, their ontology, appearance and history,” says Gottfried Jager: Concrete Photography (Version 01.08.2004)

“In the early 1970’s Germany began to foster a true appreciation of the pictorial achievements and variety of (concrete) photography by turning it into an academic discipline….when photographs were still regarded as intruders…illegitimate, (Bourdieu 1981), in particular their abstract and concrete tendencies.”

In establishing Ice Dance Photographs as concrete photography I am interested in (Gottfried Jager’s) comments found on generated: 18May, 2012. At first I called Ice Dance photographs abstract but since talking with John McClenaghen, at Glydwr University at our meeting on 18 May, 2012  Wrexham, and with Stuart Cunning, head of Creative Industries, I am now of the opinion that they are concrete photographs.

I would be most interested in reading other views on Concrete Photography and in particular Ice Dance’s  place in Concrete Photography today.

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